Saturday, August 23, 2008


It's a little chilly up here at night....I LOVE it!

But I miss my husband and little people.


Elysa said...

Aww-w-w-w-www...thanks for calling me "little"...I think. Well you MUST be calling me "little" because obviously I don't fit in the "husband" category. ;)

Wyatt Roberts said...

Girl, I haven't even visited your blog...didn't think you'd be bothering.

But I miss you! And love you! And the guys!

Elysa said...

COME HOME!!!!!! WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!! PUH-LEEZE!!!!!!!!!!! We're DeSpeRatE here...take pity on us!!!!!!!

Rhonda's mom said...

OK --now the New England people(mom,Frank,Robin & family) are missing her---already! Well, thanks for "sharing"-----as short a time as it was, we LOVED it!