Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"What if..."

" What if we have developed a religion that makes reverent and honoring statements about Jesus but doesn't teach what Jesus taught in the manner he taught it? What if the religion generally associated with Jesus neither expects nor trains it's adherents to actually live in the way of Jesus?...What if the message of Jesus was good news...not just for Christians, but also for Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, new agers, agnostics and atheists? And what if the message of Jesus also contained warnings...for Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, new agers, agnostics, atheists... and Christians? Would we want to know what that message is? How much? Would we be willing to look hard, think deeply and search long in order to find it? Would we be willing to rethink our assumptions?" ~ The Secret Message of Jesus, by Brian D. McLaren.