Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

For Wyatt, A day late!


Wyatt Roberts said...

Girl, you are AWESOME!!! I wish I could quit you! Oh...wait. That's not right. Strike that.

Awww...I just love you!

Elysa said...

Awwww-w-w-w...ain't that the sweetest? BIG Wyatt is surely a loved man.

BTW, I've never heard that song before. I'll have to remember to use it for my BIG "Jimmy Mack" sometime. ;)

Elysa said...

Ran "Jimmy Mack" as a nickname by MY Jim and he said no way. Oh well....

He just doesn't have the same sophisticated taste for names that we do, I guess. ;)

Rhonda Jeanne said...

Oh well. I think you should sing it to him next time he's out of town and calls home. "Oh Jimmy Mack, when are ya coming back?"